Monday, September 8, 2008

Church Books

Hey gals! What are your favorite church books for kids? I want to finally start investing in some, both picture and story books? Do you find the best deals at Deseret Book or another place?


Gardener said...

Great Question Amber! Another curious mind would love to know.

Wife and Mother said...

I love the 'Who's Your Hero?" books by David Bowman. Their are currently four volumes with 3 hero stories in each. tilted with titles like, 'Alma the Younger Apologizes' and 'Helaman's Warriors Respect Their Parents'.

I love the exaggerated illustrations, the simple but complete stories, and the section that then shows how children today can apply what the Hero did in their own lives. And at the very end of each story there is a section for FHE ideas and activities to reinforce the lesson.

Love, love, love these books.

Also, I love the 'Who Said?' game cards. You can make a ton of games out of them. We often play Go Fish and learn all about Book of Mormon Heroes and Villians.

What do others recommend?

Wife and Mother said...

I spelled there/their wrong in the second sentence. Sorry. Their should be there. Now I feel better.

Cames said...
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